Author Check In #1

Aug 22, 2016 12:22

Authors, you have until Friday, August 26 to complete the first check in.

If you have not already discussed with your Artist(s) who will be making the Master post to i_reversebang, now is the time to do so. Please note that if an Artist has two stories being written for a particular piece of their art, the Artist must be the one to make the Master Post to the community for that piece of art.

Please comment to this entry using the following template. If you have claimed two art pieces, comment a second time using the template. One comment for each respective art piece.

LJ Username:
Piece Number:
Artist LJ Name(s):

Wordcount of your story so far:
Anticipated wordcount: (just a ballpark figure is fine)
List pairings(s) or whether it is Gen
Summary of plot (rough idea is fine):

Any other comments?

And as a reminder, here is the rest of the schedule:

Friday, August 26: Author Check in
Friday, September 30: Author Check in
Sunday, October 23: Stories due

mod: check in, round 6

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