WWJD...in the Cage? How to win the Hearts of Teabaggers...

Feb 06, 2010 09:50

 This link from the fabulous darkelf105 .  Evangelicals are saving souls through marketing once again.  Perhaps it works, on the premise that getting butts in the pew actually saves the soul, I guess.  Conversion of heart through fisticuffs, though?  That's a a new one.  Apparently, cage fighting is the next round of marketing bruhaha amongst churn-and-burn Christianity.  Sorry, can't help editorializing...but seriously...WTF?!

"My Jesus can make you rich."  That's one of my favorite quotes from the God Lite crowd.  ORLY?  Now, I'm kinda stupid when it comes to saying what God can and can't, will and won't do...but that seems to contradict most of what I've come to understand about the New Testament.  But I'm told it do save souls, just because it entices people to convert...convert to what exactly?  Because a rich-making Jesus doesn't actually resemble Christianity in my brain (and I'm speaking as an objective observer at this point, just going by gist of the approved litrachur).

I have to admit, cage fighting for Jesus has a ring (hee) of sensationalism about it that makes me pay attention...and then promptly bust a gut laughing.  Turn the other cheek...and I'll beat it black and blue.  Love they neighbor as thyself...and don't forget to kick his ass or put a deadly chain choke on him, don't forget to make him bleed.  Is this what Christ meant when he said, "unless you eat of my body and drink of my blood..."  Oh, Catholics have been misinterpreting this passage for millennia, better erect a chain link octagon and make each other bleed.  Beautiful.

I want to see the Pope go three rounds with Oral Roberts...oh, nope, he's dead. Falwell?  Nope.  Dead, too.  Tag team with Jim and Tammy Faye...oh, nope they don't work together anymore.  I guess that leaves Billy Graham, which is really unfortunate, because he seems the most sane of any of them.  I was hoping for a rabid, foam at the mouth match; my guess is God's Rottweiler (the Pope--jeez he even has a brawler's moniker) fights dirty.  But I digress...

What is the justification for this new pathway to conversion?  The young men...we need to get them back.  Well, bread and circuses do tend to work on the masses, they do.  No wonder the stereotypical Patriotic (yes, a capital P), Christian, American (who is probably a teabagger...and I mean that in the fullest sense of the term, go ask John Waters if you don't get me)...seems to have such unbearably illogical reasoning processes.  Conversion = recruitment = bread and circuses.

Hey, I lost to Jesus in the third round on a technical, because he said, 'blessed are the mattkissers, for they shall inherit the hearts of the Dittoheads.'

political douchebaggery, social justice, crazytalk

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