i need to win the lottery

Jun 29, 2011 13:52

alarmingly, my benefits are coming to an end. this is surprising seeing as how i was on a nicely constructed path whereby i stayed on jobseekers allowance till 29 weeks of pregnancy, switched to income support, claimed the surestart grant (£500 paid by the government to low income families to help with the cost of a baby) and carried on with my life.
however, now that i've reached 28 weeks, i rang up to put my claim through for income support and was told in no uncertain terms that dan works too many hours for me to claim anything. this means that not only will i not recieve the £500 that i was relying heavily on but that i am now, completely and utterly, financially dependant on dan.
this scares me quite alot. i know that with careful budgetting each week we'll manage ok but i'm not fond of the idea of not having any money of my own anymore.


the plus side of this is that we can start looking into getting married again. that's quite exciting.
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