everything is fine

Jun 23, 2011 16:17

the name of my post is a broad sweeping statement isnt it?
i should say that everything is ok in relation to this post but that's a bit finicky.

the other night i had my first pregnant lady panic at just over 27 weeks. this is good going for me because thats a hell of a lot of chilled out weeks for a naturally neurotic person.

ill start by saying that last weekend was tamsyns hen do so i went over to goldsborough for that, stayed for the day event at the bbq and abandoned the night out to have a meal with my family at the damn yankee. what can i say about it? well i had fun. awkward, slightly uncomfortable fun. it was hard not to think "these people used to be my freinds" as opposed to the comfortable feeling you get when you're surrounded by people who know and like you.

i stayed the night at my familys' house and got a lift back to york the next day.

in this time i noticed a decline in lily's movements. i dont feel much because of my anterior placenta (which is unfortunate and upsetting) so i'm hyper aware of any movements that make it through to me. so after a few days of her being quiet i went a bit crazy, rang up nhs direct, my midwife and then the hospital who told me to drink a big glass of ice water ans count the kicks.

and you know what? it was all fine.


just over a week till tamsyns wedding now. and im a little anxious about it. i really hope ill not feel awkward or out of place.
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