
Jun 13, 2011 13:53

my drama with student finance continues. they agreed to pay the remaining tuition fees which i had assumed (pretty logically) would resolve any issues and forgot all about it apart from to idly wonder what my graduation would be like. however, last thursday i recieved an email from the university to say that this hasnt resolved anything because instead of just topping up the fees, student finance have paid the specified amount and recollected the rest. this seems like them being deliberately obtuse to me and i am extremely aggravated that they would take money from two years ago. especially as this now means that, as it stands, i owe just over two grand and am in a worse situation than before. it also means that i have spent the past two and a half months worrying myself silly over a wrong turn. and it seems i'll have to spend the next 2 months or more doing the same time. i only have three months till lily's due to be born and i desperately want this to be over before then.


on a more positive note, my freind emily has just discovered that she's pregnant too. i'm pretty pleased for her but kind of more pleased for myself because i'm loving having someone else to be pregnant with. even if she is 4, almost 5 months behind me.it's nice that there'll be another new mum close by and that lily will have someone to socialise with. plus it means i have someone to hand down lilys' old stuff to.
i feel pretty bad for her because she's fallen pregnant from a one night stand with some twat who wants her to have an abortion and wont be supportive. mostly because i know what a huge thing pregnancy is now and i've been so grateful to have support and love from dan throughout it. however, better no dad than the wrong dad right? and she wont be going through it alone.
i'm pretty amused at how the car ride up to scotland for the wedding might go with two pregnant ladies in the car. ill be braxton hicks-ing left right and centre and she'll be throwing up. for 5 and a half hours.

you'd think i wouldnt be excited for this wedding but actually i kind of am.
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