stupid girl projects

Jul 11, 2009 19:08

i would be lying if i said that i had the luxury of time and money. my current unemployment has actually put me in quite a predicament and whilst i am aware that my time would be best spent in the search of gainful employment, i also recognise the importance of rooftop picnics with my housemates. today what also seemed vital was the completion of a certain book.
now, if you're anything like me, you like a good laugh and danny wallace provedes me with them in bucketloads. not to imply that he comes round with a bucket once-daily and says "here you go ruby, have some laughs" or anything. that would be weird. no, what he does do is provide me with exceedingly funny books based around his stupid boy projects. in point of fact i wish he would stop writing them for a bit and let me catch up financially. in case you dont know who he is, danny wallace is the author of yes man, which was made into the same-titled jim carey vehicle. i refuse to watch it.
he has also written join me which is based upon his accidental cult and had me giggling inanely on the bus all the way from sunderland to york. undetterred by the concerned looks from pensioners and small children, i learned about the formation of his collective. join me is based on good deeds and random acts of kindness every friday and has joinees from all around the world. it is also a very good idea. i wish i'd thought of it, but then again, who on earth would ever think that placing an ad saying simply "join me" would work.
anyway, it got me thinking about how i could use my time of unemployed destitution effectively.
now i'm not pretending that i could become a cult leader or fly around the world saying yes to everything (although i say yes to a hell of a lot more things after reading the book). but you'd think that there'd be something i could do that would enable me to both meet people and reach an improbable goal. especially if meeting it meant that somebody gave me a pint at the end of it.

in point of fact, this free time has led me to the following conclusion. there are no jobs so im more or less forced to make my own employment. this means either dedicating myself to fulltime writing and hoping for the best. or soup. yeah, i make quality soup, but is it enough? this morning im hopefully getting a buisness plan drawn up for me so we shall see.

either way, its time to take matters into my own hands. time to see what i can do with my life.
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