to my brother..

Aug 23, 2004 12:54

so close when we were little
nearly inseparable..
but with age comes distance
boys have cooties
even little brothers..
i pushed you away not knowing what kind of harm i'd be causing...
a wall was built between
soon one or the other was hardly ever seen..
you did your thing and i did mine
but i'll never forget that night you cried..
i wanted to hold you and say it was okay
baby brother of mine i'll take care of you each and every day
it was hard to cope and difficult to make you understand
differences between us kept us apart
but with age comes wisdom
and soon the sun began to let us see
sometimes you hate me and i may hate you
but in the end nothing will exchange the blood of which we share
our hearts beat the same and we have struggled together
i love you brother of mine
and only hope i have done you justice in this cruel world
someday you just might see through these eyes of mine
until then little boy
you will always remain the younger of us two
unaware of the real world
but under my wing i'll carry you
until you're ready to fly away..
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