Jul 06, 2006 18:44
Life is...hmmmm...I dunno...
a retarded amount of life has been thrown my way in the last few weeks...all the good and all the bad...and I still seem to be reasonably happy...
I am happy...
I am happy for my friends who are happy...
I am worried about my friends who aren't happy...
I am worried...
In the same day I could get all the reasons to be in a fantastic mood and in the worst mood...
Getting fired, getting a new job two days later...
Settling into my apartment and then finding out my room mate hates me and thinks I'm a retard...overhearing the conversation about me through the paper thin walls...and then hearing the sex in the shower two minutes later.
And on top off all that, a best friend getting engaged...
love, good luck and best wishes dude and dude'et...
All in all I think I have good karma right now...for all the shit that's happened...there has also been a shitload of fantastic stuff that makes me smile just to think about it.