Nov 10, 2006 11:32
...because. They are STUPID. and DISGUSTING.
Someone, for about the third time now, has decided that the elevators are toilets in Kerr Hall, where I live.
I kid you not.
First it was one of the B Tower elevators. Someone peed all over the inside of it. So it got shut down for a week.
Then in the A Tower elevator, someone decided to take a dump. In the elevator. W.T.F? So that one's shut down currently.
And apparently someone did it in B Tower again, 'cause that elevator is shut down with a sign on it stating: "Due to improper use of the elevators," -insert picture of a toilet- "one elevator in each tower will be shut down until further notice."
Now this doesn't really effect me too much since I take the stairs anyway (yay second floor!), but STILL. What the HELL is WRONG with people?
And thus, another thing to add onto the list of why I quit humanity, and why I HATE my fecking age group. (College freshmen). Bah.