so . . . i am rejoining the world of purchasing stuff

Jun 10, 2005 21:47

I have started to listen to music again . . . and its a bad deal for my check book

Music I want right NOW
Less Than Jake Hello Rockview
Good Bye Blue and White
B is for B-Sides
Pez Collection
Reel Big Fish Turn the Radio Off
Why Do They Rock So Hard?
NERF HERDER Nerf Herder (both versions from My Records and Arista)
American Cheese
Beck Odelay

At one point I owned all of these and a ton more, but . . . alack they were all stolen, and I never replaced them, but now I am wanting them hardcore. Maybe I can buy them while I am over here in England, or order them off the internet . . . I missed owning music and such . . . its kinda funny, I used to listen to all of these cds all the time, and some of them i haven't heard since they were taken, and well really, hearing them is like getting a part of me back . . . its really funny how much a cd can relate to a certain point in your life. What all inspired this desire . . . well here in England, its kinda hard to remember who i am, i find that this always happens when i'm gone on trips, so listening to music reminds me of who i am. and i don't really have any of these so . . . who am i??? Well . . . that and i found a cd that was stolen for sale cheap-ish here and it just brings back memories of driving to work in my truck in Waterford, which is really cool . . . so . . . I want these terribly, but i probably can't validate buying more while i'm here, exspecially as they are cheapier to buy back at home . . . so maybe i'll just order them from Amazon . . . That would be cool, and i would have presents to come home to too. .. . oh well . . . buy buy kiddies
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