Jun 14, 2006 11:59
So I go to buy a packet of crisps to eat with my otherwise healthy lunch (cheese sandwich and orange juice if you don't believe me) - which involves putting 51p into the vending machine and typing the Monster Munch code.
The little ring things turn round, my Monster Munch packet moves forward and hangs, balanced just below eye level.
I rock and shake the machine to no avail, obviously they're too stuck to fall out and need to be pushed out something. The logical choice being another packet of Monster Munch.
So in goes another 51p, I press the buttons and the little rings of crips-pushing rotate, moving my second packet of crisps closer to my anticipating fingers.
Except they don't fall, I now have two packets stuck in the machine.
Again I shake and rock it from side to side, again it refuses to let me have my crisps, it's getting personal now...
I'm down £1.02 and I have neither of my two packets of crisps, so what do I do?
In goes 31p (the machine being out of Monster Munch by now) and I type in the buttons for a packet of Walkers (Marmite flavour) - them being next to the levitating Monster Munch.
The Walkers knock one of the MOnster Munchs down, I finally have crisps! But I refused to walk away, the machine still owed me one more packet...
Of course, shaking still did nothing (are crisps glued into vending machines perhaps?) so I had to buy another packet of Walkers.
I walked away from that machine content in my triumph over technology, I may have had an armfull of crisp packets but I'd refused to let it keep my money!
And I'd got a free Fudge bar (15p) while rocking it.
And I don't need to risk buying crisps from it for several days.