(no subject)

Sep 08, 2008 16:35

brixton's almost nine months old. he's crawling and standing up a little bit, we'll see when he starts walking. work is going really, really well. i just got a price raise and i've been making a bit of commission each week... and i've actually been taking a lot of time off. i haven't worked a full five day week in a long time. i love the time off but i need to get back into routine. we replanted most of the garden yesterday, we had let a bunch of stuff die. since it was raining most of the summer, we didn't have to water much and then it stopped raining and we never started watering again. hopefully we can resurrect some of the stuff though. my sunflowers are like seven feet tall but dying at the bottom so i had to cut a few to save them. ryoji, brixton and i are trying to go to iowa in october sometime... it'll be really stressful but my mom wants to see us and is willing to pay for our insanely expensive tickets. anyway, i suck at updating this thing so you can see our blog for brixton here or go see my flickr pictures, which i'm actually good at updating, here. take care (to whoever still reads this).
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