(no subject)

May 28, 2004 09:28

wow ... you're pretty shitty, if i do say so myself.

this whole time i've been giving you the benefit of the doubt about what kind of a person you are, and if you really mean the things you do to people.. but you do mean them, because you're just as drama driven as the rest of us.

you say you're sick of drama, and you want it to go away? .. then why post something like that? why post someone elses life? .. you yourself admitted codependency in your own essay.. why not use YOUR letters, and YOUR words as examples, instead of MINE. the ones that i treasure more then you'll ever feel in your entire life?

oh, because it was on my livejournal, that makes it okay? .. HEY! news flash! thats why its MY livejournal. not yours, not bonnies, not anyones. so i don't care if you read it, bonnie read, or the fucking pope in the vatican read it, ITS NOT YOURS OR HIS, OR ANYONE ELSES.

oh, here, let me post a whole essay on some bullshit disease that i think YOU have and that EVERYONE thinks you have, and see how YOU feel by the end of it. let me disect your words, and try to be a therapist, and tell the world whats wrong with YOU. no wait.. better yet, let me go back to the things you would write to DAN and say how they weren't stable. because that wouldn't piss you off, right????

OH WAIT.. thats right, because i have HUMAN FUCKING DECNENCY and would have fucking TOLD YOU..

call you selfish? .. no, you're not selfish, i wouldn't use the word selfish to describe you. i'd probably use the word "evil"

and go ahead and keep screaming all that bullshit about how dan hurt you, and how dan missed all his chances. NEWS FLASH.. he did the same bullshit to me, but i'm still his friend... AND it was HALF your fault he did it to me. i had nothing to do with him hurting YOU at least this time. and keep saying how you think you can judge dan's character, and how you think you know him well enough... because you might know him, but you obviously are stuck in some weird time warp, where you think everyone should stay just how they are, stuck with the high school mindset, and dan's past that. ooh yeah, and have you told people that you're sueing him? and that you were sueing him when you were dating him? ... hm. probably not. try and think about how shitty that would feel for HIM... i mean, wtf. who SUES the person they say they're in love with? who SUES the person they promised the world too?

well, you'd know that if you weren't so busy not calling him by his first name, and talking about how crappy he is. AND trying to get me upset at him, because of some of the things he's done. and its really funny, how when i said something to you, you were completely unemotional.. but when dan called you, you immediately said you'd take it down. hm. nice.

anyways. this is me finished with you. you're dead to me. you can keep screaming about how you hate me, but i won't do that. because i don't hate you. hate isn't in my vocabulary in refrence to people. i'm not that childish. i'm getting help, and i think you should too. i've BEEN getting help.. and i think its something i think you should seriously look into. you need just as much help as i do, if not more. you hurt people for kicks, and thats pretty shitty.


in other news! i'm doing really welllll. and its awesome! i've made some awesome friends at perkins, (chris and dickey, and jamus) and am still hanging out with the most awesome people ever. (bj, tessa, dan.. etc) they rock harder then most of your friends... hahaha. just kidding.

i talked to bonnie yesterday, and it made me feel better. i mean, a little. not a whole lot. i still hate where we are, but at least we talked. and i liked it. i miss not talking to her. i might stop by one day. i need to get my shit from that scott boy, so i might as well just suck it up and stop by her house when i go out there.

talked to josh dowdy again.. he's not mad at me. hahaha. well, he was, because of the MSI show, but... now he's not! hahaha. he called and was like 'i'm done being mad at you, so come hang out with me and gabe'.. hahaha. i miss those guys.

working is okay - its days like these rainy ones where i only make twenty bucks a day, and i'm broke as a joke. but, ... its on the really nice days that i walk away with a hundred bucks and i feel awesome and can pay the bills. hahahaha.

tessa and i are going to play dress up today, and take pictures, so that i have new pictures, and i can post them on MYspace. its going to rock. bethany should join us.

laksdjflkajsdf. whoa. so i just totally freaked myself out. and if i explain it, it won't sound right, so if i talk to you today, ask me about it.

ex's and oh's, kids.
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