Ah, Dylan Moran, how my heart aches.
Dear Mr Black,
I’m afraid your novel was unsuitable for us at the present time and herewith return your manuscript. I do hope you are not disheartened by this rejection.
Best wishes,
Barnaby Chesington-Howe-Foxsworthy
Dear Mr Chesington-Howe-Foxsworthy,
Thank you for returning my manuscript and your enclosed, nasty, niminy-piminy, little note. I am afraid your letter is most unsuitable for me at the present time as I have just spent the entire weekend writing the novel you summarily rejected. I can only presume that it is company policy to reject all manuscripts not submitted in ten foot high Braille. And yes I am aware that it is traditionally bad form to respond to any kind of criticism or rejection but in this, as with all else I am an innovator. Therefore, I may freely address you as "Piss Midget". Still there is time for you to change your views and I think you will when we meet, and meet we most assuredly will, when I suck out your eyes and use them as stoppers for my ears to muffle the screams you make as I head butt you into a fine paste. I do hope you will not be disheartened by your sudden violent death.
Yours faithfully,
Bernard Black
Everyone... everyone agreed he was right to kill the publisher and to do it with a flugelhorn was a stroke of genius. "Bernard," they said. No! Brendan! Brendan! "Brendan," they said, "Congratulations, here have this basket of stuff and come and stay for the weekend."
[music: Dream a Little Dream || Mamas & the Papas]