I go outside to find the middle of nowhere

Mar 14, 2007 01:38

Saturday was Knightmare day. There's some pictures here. 'Twas most awesome fun. I played numerous NPCs including, Wall Monster, Drunk Wall Monster and Ninja Wall Monster. One time I put on a dress and kissed a bin. Fortunately, those pictures haven't surfaced yet.

The Adventures of Pete and Pete contains the smallest Michelle Trachtenburg in the world. She's tiny. And she's only like two months younger than me, which means I was once that tiny, which I find hard to believe. It's easy to see how it inspired Unknown Armies; the episode I'm currently watching is about a Ritual to recharge little Pete's lucky coin Artefact. And there's a dude who's channeled the Archetype of the Bus Driver so hard he now always turns up at the right place, at the right time. Pete & Pete is a curious mixture of childish crap and surreal awesome. And Michelle Trachtenburg is tiny.

Tomorrow (or possibly today. Do days start at midnight, or when you wake up? Starting at midnight is more practical, but from waking up just makes more sense) is IdleWiild day. Yes indeedy my friends, my Wii has arrived. Tomorrow I'm going in to pick it up, and shall then play on it until Idlewild o'clock (sometime between 7 and half past). This'll be my third Idlewild concert. Both times before I saw them at the Southampton Guildhall, so I'm curious to see what they'll be like at a smaller venue. Also, I'm kinda looking forward to a gig where you can get near the front and just jump, and not worry about circle pits opening around you.

ua, music, crazy larp

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