Old classmates please put down your pens

Jan 23, 2010 01:57

I don't like joining groups on facebook. There's limited time ones like 'Sup Guys Lorraine Is Totally Raising Money Doing This Race Thing and I'm down with that because onece Lorraine has done her race thing I can leave and its forgotten, but the more long term ones, I don't like them. It's not that I'm against the idea of groups; I think they're a big part of facebook. It's just that they're like my t-shirts. I like my t-shirt collection. Every one of them says something about me, whether it's a band I like, a webcomic I read or whatever. Sure I have some polo shirts and actual shirts that are just clothing labels, but tees, they are all something real. Or at least realer. Like, the Snakes & Suits and Heartcore ones are technically labels, but they're labels created to sponsor awesome bands. They're still scene.

Anyway, facebook groups. I feel the same way about them. Like, I'm instantly put off almost any group that starts with "let's find 1,000,000 people who..."

I don't want to be one of your million. I don't care what you're trying to do. I certainly have no wish to be part of any Guiness world record attempts. I recently joined one looking for enough people to pack the UEA LCR in a bid to get Kill Hannah to come back to Norwich. That campaign seems to have crashed and burned in the first week. Shame, really, since I'd love them to come back here. I'm a member of a few gaming ones. I've been going through and leaving a fair few while writing this. I was going to leave the group for the American outfit running a Zombie larp campaign based off our system, but when I went to their page I saw that they've put pictures of me in their downloadable rules booklet. I can't leave that now; I'm a celebrity there.

I think their first game is tomorrow. Hope it goes well, guys!

The whole reason I'm talking about groups is because sometimes one comes along that I just need to join; one that really says something about me. The first one of those I found was back when I first joined facebook and is called "Nothing but The Appleseed Cast on my mp3 player" which pretty much was the case back then. Sure I don't listen to them nearly as much now, but Bird of Paradise is the alarm that wakes me up every morning. There's still a special place in my heart for them and that needs to be acknowledged. Then there was a short period where e, pi and phi all had seperate groups with ridiculously long titles, and it was one of those lets see which irrational number is the most popular competition things which usually I hate but dudes it is irrational numbers and I am all about the golden ratio.

Sorry, it is taking me a frustratingly long time to get to my point. I joined a group recently called I Already Have A Plan For When Zombies Attack, because of course I have a Zombie plan. Despite the Zombie LARP, I'm not big into the horror genre, nor a huge zombie fiction fanatic, but I'm aware of zombies and it's just sensible to have a plan in case that happens.

Currently the plan is to make my way to the Norfolk broads and get myself on some sort of houseboat. If possible make my way to the coast, get a boat and sail round til I find a ferry or something, basically keep working my way up until I'm relaxing on the deck of a cruise liner. Sure Zombies would float in water, but they'd be even less mobile than usual and would degrade faster. Plus, sharks.

Now. This isn't a bad plan, but it does lack you guys. I'd kind of like it if we had some collaborative Zombie plan. Once I know I'm safe, I want to know you're all safe as well. So, where do y'all want to meet up? I take this watercraft I've acquired and park it in sight of land where? OR! Maybe you have better plans than me. If you've been stockpiling food and weapons then I think you're taking this a little too seriously but if it does happen, please don't hold that against me. Let me know what's goin' down. I want in. Ideas? Suggestions? Anyone?
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