Oct 13, 2005 21:46
ahhh, today, wut a day. lol, where to start, um nowhere. pretty good day. i guess, ya pretty good. bad than good then just plain borin. normal i guess. and i thought about somthin.
"wut if everything in this world i made up in my head and everything is just a figment of my imagination" lol kinda like the matrix huh.
well anyway, ya that's the highlight of my day, but i wanna leave ya'll with a quote which happens to be a favorite of mine, as all u very well kno,
"hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase, hakuna matata aint no passing craze, IT MEANS NO WORRIES FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS, it's our problem free philosophy, hakuna matata"
if im ever sad or depressed i can listen to this song and everything botherin me just kinda flutters away. its great.
well hakuna matata, its so great huh, "when the world turns ur back on u, turn ur back on the world" lol, "u gotta leave the past behind cha"
ahhh the lion king, so full of philosophical wiseness. lol, i get my ideas from a animated merekat and pig. lol
wow, but it's true. live life like it's ur last day, cuz god damnt there is NEVER a real reason not to be happy, people are just to damn emotional. figure it out people life is sweet. live it well, cuz u only get 1 don't fuck it up.