Oct 02, 2007 23:06
99 on my first Calculus exam, bitches. =D (The point off was for a stupid mistake.)
I have a Linear Algebra exam tomorrow, but I'm not too worried about it. I've done well on the quizzes and the homework, and it's nothing too difficult (solving Ax = b, matrix multiplication, taking inverses, etc.). It sounds complicated, but it really isn't once you learn the basics of vector operations and matrix multiplication.
The only thing is, I'm only five weeks into the semester and I already have like...15 pages of notes from lecture. (Ditto for Calc, in fact.) Which would be fine, except I have a three-subject with 120 pages total. So I anticipate running out of paper sometime in...December. Woot. =(
I also need to write something in LaTeX to get the hang of it, and ugh. At least I'm done with most of my assignments for this week, aside from a bit of research and stuff. =P