May 25, 2006 12:00

I think I want to move to Europe now. Eurovision is the best. crack. EVER. American Idol just can't compare.

Look at this chav, for one. That song is so BAD, but yet so good.

Also, the Croatian version of Shakira. Apparently, since Shakira claimed the midriff, Severina decided that her gimmick would be displaying her crotch for all to see. (Someone should tell her, though, that Madonna's apparently cornered the vagina market.)

Lithuania is just so crazy. And straightforward.

Meanwhile, Moldova is stuck in a timewarp from 2000. Complete with scooters and everything. It's scary. (Not that bad, but GOD that song is dated.)

Finland was actually pretty good, IMO, but the costumes. Actually, the costumes make it awesome.

Denmark was quite enjoyable, and I believe I can almost forgive Las Ketchup for raping Rapper's Delight a couple of years back. (Almost. THAT WAS MY SOUL YOU BITCHES.)

[edit]Oh, Macedonia. At least they're a couple of years ahead of Moldova.

[edit2]Sweden does disco a couple of years back. Also, there are black people in Sweden. HM.

cooter, pretty and witty, onoes, lawls, eurotrash

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