...that I'm copying and pasting my ROD entries to my El-Jay?
As Neil Bauman would say, "
Lol!" Indignantly.
Also, I have lost posession of my Yiddish cup. HAHA I USE INTARWEB MEMEZ.
I just had my first day of classes today, and I think I already hate myself. Because I have to go to Newark twice - once at 9 in the morning (Discrete Analysis at 10), then again at 5 (Physics 1 at 6) on Tuesdays.
And I'm mildly annoyed by my Physics 1 prof. Lecture's only once a week, but it's three hours. Meanwhile he's droning on about vectors (which, you know, is interesting since I've long forgotten about them), and I'm like "will you let us the fuck OUT, already?" It didn't help that he's like Swedish, and I have this annoying tendency to tune out profs with foreign accents.
Then, at the end of the lecture, he's all, "Oh, I forgot to give you guys a break." YEAH WELL FUCK YOU TOO ASSHOLE.
And I'm more than a bit annoyed that I'm in Physics 1 to begin with, since this will be...oh...the third time I've done this. (Once in high school, which I slept through and like aced...once at MIT, which I slept through and passed...and now at NJIT.) Which I should have screamed at the Powers That Be at for, except I suspected that maybe it might not be the same. Because, I mean, I don't mind being reminded about how to add and multiply vectors, but dammit I've already put in my time.
At least I think I'm going to like Discrete Analysis. I like sets, okay?
Lessee...tomorrow, I have Numerical Math Lab (which, uh, uses MATLAB, which I have dabbled in, being a dork), and that's it. Then Intro to Comp Sci and Discrete Analysis on Thursday. Discrete Analysis also on Friday, but the prof canceled the class. Yay?
Now I just need to work out my Work-Study, and possibly figure out a way to buy books. Because I am poor. =(
I also need to stop thinking about the internet, because it's not doing much for whatever sanity I have left. My talent for creating pure unadulterated batshit from nothing is now working against me. Again.