Aug 04, 2006 07:19

Okay, for everyone that requested anything.

Alien Ma'riage [Uploaded with MU][FULL DISCOG]


Kairai Ningyou ~MANNEQUIN~

Les Soiree Yoru no Butoukai-Senrei no Shou~Seitan Hen

Les Soiree Yoru no Butoukai-Danzai no Shou~Kami Batsu Hen[This one is uploaded with SS]

Les Soiree ~Kanketsu Hen~


21st Century

La Matinee

Kairai Igyou no MARIA

The Trax [Uploaded with SS]



Okay, I don't really like SS but I will admitt it is alot faster to upload stuff onto. Okay, I encourage people to take, but, if you take please, please, please COMENT. Esspecially if you take the Alien Ma'riage.

okay, and I know... another request. D=!

I still need some Calmando Qual, Nightmare and MASK and some indie jrock music, if anyone has any and would be willing to help... I'll... upload shit for you and love you forever. D=!
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