Author: EntreNous (
Title: Magic Man
Pairing: Lindsey/Xander
Rating: NC-17
Feedback: Yes, please. Concrit welcome
via email.
Disclaimer & Distribution Info Found Here Summary: Set after "Hells Bells". Xander thinks he's got nothing to give, but he may have more to offer than he imagines.
AN: Written for
obsessedmuch, who asked for "banter, leather jacket, water" in the Lindsey round at the
maleslashminis. Many thanks to the mods,
mireille719 and
soft_princess for their patience with me this round, and for their always-fantastic handling of the community.
AN2: Huge thanks are due to my three different betas,
ladycat777, and
stoney321, who each read more than one draft, and whose thoughtful comments improved this story immeasurably. Any errors remaining are my own. This fic clocks in at 2,980 words.
FIC: Magic Man (Lindsey/Xander, NC-17, 1/1) )