Author: EntreNous/
entrenous88Title: The Wrong Guy
Pairing: Angel/Xander
Rating: R
Summary: AU. Xander goes to his friend’s dad’s party, and ends up talking too much.
AN1: Written for my
smut_69 prompt, “Proposition”. You can find the
table of prompts for that challenge here.
AN2: Some of you might remember two connected Angel/Xander AU ficlets I’ve written:
Up All Night and
Drive My Car. Those ficlets read more or less like pwps, but they're actually part of a larger story that I've been spinning in my head for a while (mostly while I'm deciding what kind of bagel to order or waiting on the platform for the F train to Brooklyn). So I wrote this as an explanation for how things started up between the characters.
AN3: This installment is unbeta'ed and clocks in at 3,618 words.
FIC: The Wrong Guy (Angel/Xander, R, 1/1 -- AU) )