Stuff I'm loving at the moment.
The Basics - talented musicians whose live shows are two parts music, one part comedy. The last time I saw them play I laughed so hard I cried.
2. This
amazing interview with John Cho that
isilya linked. I love it when talented people I admire impress me with their intelligence.
3. Generation Kill. Need I say more? Okay, one more thing. Ray's my favourite.
4. The
resurrection of the Roman & Deniz romance on Alles Was Zahlt and the
Kyle and Fish storyline on One Life to Live.
5. Baking. Tonight I made an apple pie. FIngers crossed it was more successful than my last attempt.
6. Riding my bike to work.
The nonsense.
1. Working on a public holiday. Again.
2. Catching every virus going through the office.
3. Not finishing my Merlin big bang story. I'm still working on it, because I promised myself I'd finish things this year, but I'm annoyed I couldn't hit the deadline.
4. A broken sewing machine in need of repair. I have things to make. It's most inconvenient.