Dear Yuletide Author,
This is a bit early, but I'm going away and don't want to leave you hanging when the assignments come out.
. These are only a guide, but the dislikes are more important than the likes if you're paying attention to such things.
* Plot, and lots of it
* Strong, healthy friendships
* Developing friendships
* First times
* Upbeat endings (not necessarily happy, but ending on an up note is good)
* Creative use of canon
* Miscommunications
* A smidge of angst
* Coming out
* BDSM, non-con, death-fic, and most things along those lines
* Character death
* Character bashing (I tend to like everyone in shows I'm watching.)
* Explicit sex that doesn't advance the plot or isn't a pay-off to the plot
* Episode Codas
* PWPs
* AUs in the context of Yuletide
Greek - I love everyone in the show (even Frannie and her evil ways), so even though I only listed Cappie and Evan don't feel they're the only characters you can use - it's just that I'd like their friendship or lack thereof to be the focus. How were they before college? Where are they going? Really anything in the Greek universe is likely to make me happy.
Shelter - I enjoyed this movie a lot, but can't help feeling there was so much more to tell. As much as I like the happy ending (and I really, really do), there were some major changes in all their lives and I'm curious about how they reacted to these on the way to living happily ever after. Gabe was a lot of fun, so it would be awesome if he made an appearance and I love the idea of Shaun and Zach building an extended family of supportive friends.
Green Street Hooligans - Let's get something straight right away, Pete did not die. I refuse to believe it... Well, okay, he did and if that's the ending you want to go with then feel free, but in my heart I'd love Pete and Matt to have a happy ending. Hence the soap opera request. I was being tongue in cheek when I included that, but I wasn't kidding when I said it would make me happy. Maybe overjoyed is more accurate. Well done melodrama can be very enjoyable. On the other hand, if you lean towards the more serious that's fine. Just give me a story of Matt and Pete in love and I'll be happy.
Obviously all this stuff is just to give you an idea of what I'm interested in. The reality is that all of these fandoms are so small I'd be happy with anything you give me.
Thank you! I'm sure you'll do a fabulous job.