People see what they want to see

Oct 08, 2008 12:26

I was sitting at a cafe' down the road from my sons school after dropping him off for the day.
I found an unoccupied table,  out on the terrace, way back in the corner.  As I sat with my face tilted up towards the warm rays of the sun, that warmth created an ease in my body, that was otherwise vibrating with muscle soreness and pain.  The suns warmth, combined with the out of body feeling of sleep deprivation,  felt good in an other worldly way.  I was still in my sweat pants and the t-shirt I slept in, with my muck/luck slippers.  I could easily slump further in the chair and fall asleep right there.  Should I order a coffee or a chamomile tea? Continue the day or hang on to the dreamy state I was in and nap till 2 pm?
It didn't matter, I was in no hurry right then.  I was simply taking a warm bath in rays of light, surrounded by trees and bougainvillea.

An acquaintance interrupted my mediation and asked if he could join me at my table.  My voice barely activated enough to blurt out a groggy, "Sure, why not?"
He sat down and soon enough,  turned the mostly one sided conversation to my sexuality.  In an effort to not seem like he was hitting on me, he began speaking of women in their 20's (he was off by a decade in his estimation of my age) and their self esteem.  At one point he stood up in front of my seat, blocking the warm, beautiful rays and took my face in his hand.  He said, "Have you ever really looked at yourself in the mirror?  I mean really looked?"
I moved my face out of his hand and squinted up at him like he was a total loon.
He must have misinterpreted my expression and continued with a most fake/earnest voice, "You should get completely naked and just look at yourself in a full length mirror.   Realize and embrace your beauty."
Ahhh the wise, old, sage advice from a man...hahahaaaah- always entertaining.
I burst out laughing and said, " Hey, that is a great idea!  Why don't you go get me a cup of chamomile with a teaspoon of honey in it?  And make it to go, so I can get home and admire my naked beauty before it fades."

One of the gifts of stripping was embracing my beauty and knowing that all types are beautiful.    Another gift was becoming adept at sizing up a mans intentions and re-directing them in a way that benefits me.
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