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GET INTO YOUR STUDIO AND WORKСегодня Кейтлин Дастин на своем сайте опубликовала заметку
"GET INTO YOUR STUDIO AND WORK" Она о том, что волнует каждого из нас.
Вчера мы с мужем говорили о том, что нужно вкалывать, и относиться к делу, как к работе (что я и стараюсь делать). А сегодня такая шикарная заметка от художника, которого безмерно уважаю и восхищаюсь.
Оказывается, она тоже работала ночами, пока дети были маленькие)
Понравилась цитата Пикассо: " Вдохновение придет, но оно должно застать вас за работой"
Рекомендую к прочтению
"When I was young, I realized that I needed to make some decisions about going into my studio, especially when I had two young children. So, I worked when they slept - in the evening or during naps. I decided to treat it like a job and do a couple of hours every day. That became a habit so that by the time they were in elementary school, I had them working for me (they were really good).
Now, I can't imagine NOT going into my studio to work. This gives me a "home base", a structure on which to base my work.
One of the few things Picasso said was, "Inspiration will come, but it must find you working."
So, get into that studio and work. Don't listen to any excuses."