Holy fuck. I'm 32!

Jul 13, 2008 18:55

It has been a good year overall but much has happened to my family. I only have my brother and dad left.
My brother had 2 mild strokes due to a blood cloth that traveled through a hole in his hearth and into his brain. He is fine.
My dad's lungs nearly collapsed due to his smoking. He quit 9 months ago and is doing very well.
For the past 10 years I have been publishing a self-portrait on my birthday. This year, I wanted to change something.
I did not shoot this one. I do not know who did.
It was taken in 1980 and this time, the picture is not about me.

I'm the blondie, by the way =)
To all friends, nags, traveling companions, fellow shutter bugs, partners in crime, lovers, haters, drinking buddies, distant soul-mates, close-by antagonists, thrift store dreamers and ITM dorks that still put up with me.

I love you all.
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