Jan 27, 2005 10:47
1. name: Jeffrey Perfection Zacher
2. single or taken: Single without the benefits...I should take a shower
4. hair color: Brown, black, red, and soussant of white
5. eye color: Green like the color of my eyes
6. shoe size: 10...and the feet to meat ratio is COMPLETELY false
7. height: 5'10"....5'11" with shoes!!
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: Victorias Secret...a man has to feel sexy once in a while
2. any tattoos or piercings: Ears, 2 tattoos...and many more obnoxious ones to come
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: Too lazy, and too broke
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: the natural berries of an undisturbed African Valley
3. what are you most scared of?: Plywood
5. who is the last person that called you?: Gills
6. where do you want to get married?: In an outhouse....i'm just so funny, i'm roaringly hilarious
How many buddies are online right now?: 12
.f a v o r i t e s
1. color: Blue, like the color of lava
2. food: Chicken Tenders
3. boys names: Jeff, Zach, Jeffrey, Jefferson, Zacheria, Jeffertopolis...etc etc
4. girls names: Jeffina, Zachaline, Mrs. Jeff Zacher
5. subjects in school: English, Writing, Theatre, lunch, Long Walks on the Beach...wait, what was the question?
6. animals: They call me The Animal sometimes
7. sports: I'm pretty nasty at lacrosse...I assume
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. driven with anyone who was drunk or high?: Yep, and i taught him a lesson or 2
2. smoked?: Yep...do lava lamps count?
3. bungee jumped?: Well, i once jumped off a wall, and my shirt got caught on a nail, so when I fell, my shirt caught, and held me up....does that count?
4. skinny dipped?: Only once...but chris and I were so young...
5: ever been in love?: Yeppers
6. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: Still do...cops are such pushovers for a dizzy dame in a crisis
7. pictured your crush naked?: Every now and again....but it's only fair seeing as that is ALL they picture me as
8. actually seen your crush naked?: They haven't earned that right yet
9. cried when someone died?: I don't cry, I FIESTA
10. lied: Nope...oh wait, does that count? If so, then yes
11. been rejected?: Every day of my natural born life...it's pretty sweet
12. rejected someone?: Every day of my natural born life...it's even sweeter
13. used someone?: Seems so...but they used ME for sex...man, that's awesome to say
14. done something you regreted?: Regret is such a strong word...but not as much as MAX STRONG, now THOSE are some strong words
c u r r e n t
1. music: I don't listen to music, it angers up the blood
2. smell: Body Wash....Hells Yeah!
4. desktop picture: Napoleon Dynamite?!?!?! Excellent
6. cd in player: Napoleon Dynamite SOundtrack
7. dvd in player: Jenna Jameson's "Naughty Schoolyard Girls"
8. color of toenails: Delicious
r a n d o m
1. in the morning i am: Asleep
2. all i need is: Sleep
3. love is: Something almost as good as sleep
d o | y o u | e v e r
1. sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: Naw, Steve is pretty good about IM'ing me quickly
2. wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: HECK YES! I would be SO fucking hot as a woman!
3. wish you were younger: All the time...too many pressures now...responsibility blows
4. cried because someone said something to you?: Well, i'm just too sensitive
N u m b e r
1. of times i have had my heart broken: 1, and it was a good one...i hope to have many others!
2. of hearts i have broken: 34...What?
3. of guys ive kissed: 3 I think.....WHAT?!
4. of continents i have lived on: 4 or so...oh i'm so silly, just one you rat faced fink!
5. of tight friends: 6 or so...they think i'm hot
6. of scars on my body: I prefer the term Battle Wounds
F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like fillings these out?: Filling what out?
6. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Sideways...FULL FRONTAL MALE NUDITY!!!
7. favorite cartoon/anime?: Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, Animaniacs
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: Ice Tea and Muskrat
10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: Dave Chappelle
11. could you live without your computer?: Live? yes, Love? no
12. would you color your hair?: If only I wouldn't be yelled at if I did.
13. could you ever get off the computer?: I think i could, i mean it does have a lot of disk drives, and seems to be easily manipulated by me...oh sexual humor, wilt thou ever learn?
14. habla espanol?: Me gusta lo montar a los platanos grandes.
15. how many people are on your buddy list?: 33, but i talk to all of them....except for like 12
16. drink alcohol?: Only when I drink
Spell your first name backwards: perfectioN...hmmm, coincedence?
Where do you live: Windsor Locks, CT
Wallet: Black, like the Devil's Heart!
Hairbrush: and try to tame my mane of justice? No, he does as he will
Toothbrush?: Blue and White....like the colors of a clown
Jewelry worn daily: Labia Piercing
Pillow covers: Dark blue, and one has clouds on it!
Blanket: Blue; red, ornage, white...lots of zany colors
Coffee cup? "Women only look half as busy as men, because WE get it done right the FIRST time"
Sunglasses?: Only at Night...Corey Hart...WHERE ARE YOU?!
What you are wearing now: Nothing but chaps and a smile
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
In my mouth? My delicious tounge...you could have the same if you are lucky
In my head? My brain....Hilarious
After this? Rehersal...I'm Gollum, sucka!
Talking to? myself...i'm so very lonely
Eating? I don't know if I will have time to properly eat today...i'm so hungry
Person you wish you could see right now: Devon Sawa
Is next to you: Christopher Lee Dirgo...Bounty Hunter at Large
Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: My birthday, and if i don't get one....
Do you like hot wax?: only on my body
Do you like incense?: YUCK, no way will I have sex with my brother
Do you like the taste of blood?: We have a saying at my house....If it red, it might be dead; If it's pink, let me think....I really don't understand what it means
Do you believe in soul mates?: Yepperoni
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No, only if someone is looking at me
Do you believe in Heaven?: I have seen it...but you heathens will never get there!
Do you believe in forgiveness?: Only if i'm the one that has to be forgiven
Do you believe in God?: Of course. I mean, who doesn't believe in themself?
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?: A Ben Roethlesburger
What is the latest you've ever stayed up?: 48 hours straight...I was going to beat Snow Brothers, or die trying
Ever been to Belgium?: No, but their waffles are yummy.....hilarious
Can you eat with chopsticks?: If I use them to stab
What's your favorite coin?: Quarters, cause they help me do laundry
What are some of your favorite candy?: Sour Stuff, Gummy Stuff, Chocolate Stuff, Yummy Stuff
last kiss: Not as long as you may think, but not as recent as you may think...now THAT is some profound shit!
last cigarette: Stop playing games with me woman!
last good cry: almost 3 weeks ago...i can't believe the Chargers lost in the first round...
last library book checked out: "Everything you ever wanted to know about Knitting"
last movie seen: Sideways, i already answered that asshole!
last cuss word uttered: Tit Mouse
last beverage drank: Ice Tea
last food consumed: A Single French Fry
last phone call: To the Gills
last tv show watched: Dawson's Creek
last shoes worn: Licorice Flavored
last cd played: David Cross Garbage
last item bought: A video game....why why oh why?
last downloaded: I don't do that shit, i ain't no sell out!
last annoyance: I have to go to the bathroom, BUT I CAN'T!
last disappointment: I lost in the Royal Rumble
last soda drank: Diet Soda Pop
last thing handwritten: "You are WRONG! You are so stupid! Just kill yourself, you mean nothing!"
last word spoken: "Dinky"
last sleep: Last night! YOWZA
last IM: I don't play that shit either
last weird encounter: If I told you, then you would know
last ice cream eaten: Flavored Ice Cream
last amused: Me: "Did you just say Clam Chowder?"....Chris: "NO!!"
trippin on drugs?: Naw, i usually keep them where i won't step or "trip" on them....Hilarious
last time wanting to die: I couldn't deprive the world of my greatness
last time in love: Does Myself count?
last time hugged: By a girl, a week ago...by a guy, minutes ago
last time scolded: Last Night
last chair sat in: The first chair I will sit in for the rest of my life
last lipstick used: Black, like Velvet
last shirt worn: I don't wear shirts, they wear me
last time dancing: Seconds ago
last poster looked at: Bruce Willis "The Kid"
1. What do you most like about your body? From the top of my head to the bottom of my feet...Yummy
2. And least? Everything else
3. How many fillings do you have? None, i'm perfection
4. Do you think you're good looking? You think?
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? You get used to all that, it's like breathing now
First job: Friendly's...my kryptonite
First screen name: Exodus131
First funeral: Great Grandfather...George C. Scott
First pet: A Tamogachi...then it died, cause i didn't clean it's poo
First piercing/tattoo: my ears...and they haven't pierced since
First credit card: Lets not get into all THAT
First Kiss: Jess Baker...WHO WANTS TO COMPARE SHITTY LOVELIVES!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
First one that mattered: Marcy...and she will never forget me, cause if she does, there will be heck to pay
First love: Legos
First enemy: Chris...that's awesome
First big trip: To Disney World...i love Goofy...maybe he was my first love
First concert: Garth Brooks?!....I wouldn't take that back for anything
First musician you remember hearing in your house: The great Samboo was a great magician
Ok kids, maybe i'll get around to an entry soon, since Chris and I have to kill 2 hours in between classes everyday...
Later Gators