Sep 18, 2008 11:41
I love riding metro. No, really.
Today I went in late, so the #8 was stuffed with regular people. (At 6 am, it's all exhausted bangers asleep with their hoodies pulled over their faces, which are sometimes impressively bruised.)
In front of me, a young woman sat in the weird bench in the rotating part of the articulated bus. She had a fake blue flower in her hair. She was telling a friend all about who buys baby alligators and octopi for pets. (People with really, really big aquariums, if you must know.)
She had a tattoo on the inside of her left wrist OF A SEMICOLON.
If it turns out this is actually a well-known symbol for teenager cutters or somedamnthing, I hope my trusty f-list will inform me. In the meantime, I choose to be delighted by this apparent paean to punctuation.