[Part 1 of my picspam (everything fight-related) was here:
http://i-m-sidhwen.livejournal.com/1104.html ]
So, it took me long enough!
- this is what I deserve for dragging it out... :
Okay I just wanted to include my gif - hope nobody wants to actually punch me! ;)
So, here's the picspam, part deux!
Less half-naked!Steve, but still lots of McDanno moments and BAMF-ness (plus cameos by stunt!Steve)
Also, cutting mistakes that I spotted... (IDEK)
- "Never would have pegged you for a butterfish-type of guy."- "No, I'm not. My walled it not either but..."
"... now it's Gracie's favourite so that's good."
(thumbs up from Danny!)
- Good... (Steve's and Chin's look... :D )
Oooh, dorky Max... gotta love him. SO reminds me of his Heroes' Hiro in this :)
always looking after Danny :)
loved this shot! And the whole scene, Danny immediately thinking of the vic's son... and with the parallels to himself (haole, divorced, 1 kid) he must have imagined "What if the kid was Grace?"
"So Steve... phone sex?" :)
"I can't talk right now - (unwanted) company and all" ;P
these guys...
... and the looks they always share!
Oh Max, please do creep Lori out! ;P
So, an icon that I made :)I'll include this again when I finally get round to actually posting icons... bear with me who's slow and inexperienced in posting on LJ -_-
die gazillionth shared McDanno look ;)
So, even despite the capping I did, if it hadn't been for
iam_space I'd never have noticed THIS:
http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z425/iam_space/gifs%20from%20laptop/silentblackship_tumblr-01.gif (credit goes to silentblackship on tumblr)
no personal space... (as it should be! ;) ) and a minor cutting mistake: in the next shot...
... he doesn't almost run into (brush up against) Steve like in the shot before ;)
"Of course I'm driving."LOL! (and again, no personal space... can you even call that SUBtext?? ;) )
annoyed!Danny - Steve not listening to advice = business as usual
stuntman!Steve: you can tell it's not Alex ;)(but I only noticed when I did the caps)
still stuntman!Steve (same shot) - when watching the ep I was impressed by Alex doing this (jumping up a wall) :)
... yet I still believe Alex could be capable of this - I mean look at his BAMF!fighting, how fit he is in those scenes!
again, stuntman!Steve
- clever to let Danny run in front of him, that way you don't look so closely in the background ;)
and here again ;)
annoyed!Danny :D"Do not engage in hand-to-hand combat - do you remember that?"
"...must have forgotten"- yeah right Steve ;)
an actual cutting mistake ;) (see next 2 pics)
- right hand...
... still right hand...
next shot - left hand ;)
(the things I notice when capping... o_O IDEK)
intense staring...
and the ep's final shot: concerned!(guilty-feeling?)Steve
So, you guys think Steve is getting suspicious of Joe? (he seemed to before! and then not anymore...??)
IMO, Joe has something to do with whatever Steve's Dad and Wo Fat were up to - he and Wo fat didn't seem to be strangers to one another! Also, I think the word he dropped (the one the lip reader deciphered) is what got Mokoto killed! :(
Anybody else loved "Heroes" and the Hiro character? (in general, Peter Petrelli was pretty much my favourite character - and Zachary Quinto's Sylar, so cool - plus they made a good slash pairing! ^^ )
At least I posted before the next episode! ;) Really looking forward to it - I love Halloween-themes in my shows! :D