It's Wednesday, and after having an amazingly productive day Monday, I kind of flopped yesterday. And today I have no choice but to do something because I fear if I don't, it won't get done. Which is bad. I still have to finish packing up my room, (which I plan on doing in the next few days) I just need to put it all away so that I can be done with it.
I'm over the having to pack up my life thing. I'll move on. I just think that everyone takes me not wanting to pack as not wanting to go and that's not the case at all. I want to go with everything in me, I neeeeed to go with everything in me. But it just seems like everyone just has these cardboard cut outs of their lives that they can step back into anytime they want and I can't. It's not like that for me. Nothing will ever be the same. And it took me a while to be okay with that. It's just like when I talked to Chelsey and explained that it doesn't matter if we don't want to go to college, it doesn't matter if we don't want to grow up, we don't have that option. We cannot return to Clarenceville in the same capacity ever again. That part of our lives is over. And that's a hard pill to swallow for a minute. But it's down and I'm
moving on.
Okay I'm going to post my schedule AGAIN just in case you want to hang out sometime:
Wednesday: Hanging out with Ashley in the afternoon, packing.
Thursday: packing, summer reading, hanging out with who ever calls.
Friday: babysitting, whits bonfire
Saturday: packing, summer reading hanging out with who ever calls.
Sunday: church, kids b-day party, monthly dinner, saying goodbye to that family.
Monday: dinner with my godparents in the evening, but nothing before 7
Tuesday: babysitting, Mark VanAndel's going away party :-D yes YL!
Wednesday: I heard there was a game, but then I heard there wasn't? is there or not? if there is I'm going to
the game with Cathryn Elizabeth, if there isn't... I'm still hanging out with Cathryn. And saying goodbye to Christina and anyone else I need too.
So that's it. Call me. We'll hang out. Pretty much any day I can hang out at SOMETIME. And I like you, so I'd like to hang out. :)