Oct 19, 2004 08:57
I have this crazy obsession with solitare. I go home, turn music on, and play solitare (Vegas style scoring, 3 card draw, cumulative score) for so long. God I have no life. I try Freecell but that game is impossible.
I had a chance to go on a double-date this weekend with 3 people who don't speak (much) English. Hmm...She is kinda cute...but...yea...i dunno...
As sonic youth and various Gamefaqs users on the PSB would say, "HIT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Friday, October 22 $6 8 PM
The Old Redmond Firehouse
the fall of troy
a kiss farewell
mon frer
four am
go to this, or something. and don't forget to BRING TEH MOSH!!!!!!!!!! Rosie went to the last Fall of Troy show and said there was some hardcore dancing. Rockstar Nailbomb! is pretty moshable.
time for accounting homework, yay.