11 Weeks on T

Jul 05, 2005 05:15

So yeah, I ended up messing up my days with the shots and ended up getting them like 8 days apart, then went without for 12 days due to circumstances...but I finally got it yesterday (monday)...

I've started working out everyday with my bro's bench and weights, complete with crunches and jogging...yep, I better keep it up, cause I wanna be buff.

The hair of my chin is coming in nicely, I shave more often to make sure I don't look like a scrub, or as allysha calls it, a "dirty mexican". lol

My arms are getting bigger I've noticed, when I do bicep curls my biceps really pop out. It's not just my imagination, I'm sure of it.

My voice continues to drop, I guess. It sounds very male, I don't think I sound like a girl at all anymore. Everyone thinks it's sexy. I get people on the phone thinking I'm my brother, or my step-father in some cases.

My "curse" has been done for about a month now, I dont think its coming back for another round, but if it does, it'll be like a half-day dealy like the last two.

My dick's been growing, that's right kids...Chris has got a big cock. lol
Well, not big, but it's definately larger than it was pre-t. I'd say about four times the size. The head is forming, it looks like a tiny penis head...this amuses me.

My adam's apple is starting to grow, so says my doctor...lol

I'm getting a bit of a treasure trail now, as well as some hair on my chest and upper thighs.

I think I pass 100% now...I don't get mistaken for a girl anymore, but I can't really tell what people are thinking. I went to a wedding the other day and was wearing a dress shirt and pants and a tie and I got called "sir" a few times, it was pretty cool, because no one there knew.

I've been feeling good about the way things have been going.
I've been a bit of a jerk sometimes though, but that could just other things...I dont know, I have a lot on my mind.

I wouldn't change a thing, I'm glad I did this for myself.
Life's going well.

So yeah, I'll try to update more often...like anyone ever reads this anyways...lol but it's good to have for myself too.

Later days,

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