1. Your real name: Joslin
2. Friends call you: Joz
3 What your girl/boyfriend friend calls you: babe, hun, Tinkerbell
4 What's a name you once wished you had?: Rozlynn
5. What is/are the ugliest name(s) you can think of?: Herman
6. What would you name these if you had them as pets?
a. turtle: Timmy the Turtle
b. goose: Gennie
c. pirate: Penny
d. a
hot girl/boy: Rhett
7. If there was a song about you, what would it be called?: "Semen filled sheets"
8. What would you name your kids?: Lyllie-Ann Joyce, Rozlynn Marie, Lola Lynn, Pixie Lynn *Rollen Douglas*, Maverick Maguaver, Rox Morgan, i like Skyler Douglas too...
9. What would you name a ship you built? Sampson the sharp tooth shark
10. If you wrote a
book, what would it be called?: "Just my life"
Have you ever...
11. Thrown up in public?: yes.
12. Eaten or drank anything spoiled?: probably, expried birth control and beer
13. Had a rip in your pants you didn't know about? YES
14. Tripped while checking someone out?: Naw, but i have ran into things trying to check a hot guy out.
15. Had to pay for something you broke?: nope
16. Nearly drowned?: no.
17. Passed out?: More times then i ever probably remember... juss last night!
18. Had a crush on somebody?: a million times
19. Been stuck in the rain?: yes... Douglas and Larry Dawgs adventures!
20. Been attacked by an animal?: a chicken
21. Caught people having sex?: Yeah i walked in on Dan and Malissa, Joe and Kaytee
22. Fallen asleep while driving?: never....
23. Felt attracted to someone of the same sex?: Yeah this girl that works at K-mart.. her name begins with a M, i would have a one night stand with her... she had beautiful teeth.
24. Actually slipped on a banana peel?: nope
25. Made a wish that came true?: Yes, i have made wishes and they came true.. i mean look how astonshing i look?
Complete The Sentence
26. I once had a dream... That i had a daughter that looked just like me, and we lived here at my dads house, i was upstairs and she kept screaming, and i was getting upset becuase i couldnt find her, and b/c i was so drunk from the night before that i jumped up out of bed and ran downstairs to look for her.. and it was SAMPSON doing the screaming.
27. I get pissed at...random people for doing random things... ah the word random.. i can't honestly say that i get mad, i mean isnt that whats keeps things spontaneous.
28. I don't even know why I'm... here today...
29. I'd give anything to have sex with.... Eminem
30. Nothing sucks more than having to... drink by yourself
31. If I had six bucks I'd buy... a pack of cigarettes
32. It's hot. I should take off my... shirt
33. It's always more fun if you... make the best out of bad situation
34. You can't eat steak without...eww.. without starving
35. You better shut up before I... beat the living shit out of you
36. I really like you and everything but.... were two different people.
What would you do if...
40. A dirty old guy at the airport slaps your ass?: Slap his face right back
41. Somebody was about to steal your car?: I would walk up and tell them there at the wrong vehicle.
42. You wake up with a billion spiders crawling all over you and your bed?: Jump of and brush them off, then calmly take a shower, and get some spray to kill them fuckers
43 You farted while giving a persuasive speech in class? Laugh really load and said... damn Taco Bell, never wants to stay in...
44. The person you just kissed tells you they have oral herpes?: Start Crying and run to the nearest drug store and buy something to make sure that they didnt spread them to me, and then i would probably make them look like fool.
45. You had three wishes?: 1.) I would wish to be a witch, with all the powers including flying on brooms, casting spells... the works.. and still get into heaven. 2) Of course, MONEY.... i would want an unlimited fund of money were i could buy and get everything i want, and i would distrubite to my family as they needed it. 3) i would wish for GOD to show me my True love, and allow us to grow old with nothign but happiness and love for the rest of our lives.
46. The government allowed you to choose one thing to be made illegal and one thing to be legalized?: The whole Car insurance thing, i think that if you want to take a risk and not have insurance then that should be your problem, why should i have to pay for something?
47. Britney Spears was at your front door asking for jumper cables?: I'd get my cabels out of my trunk and give her a jump.. tell her to leave keven... and so forth
48. You had a time machine?: I would go back to when i was 16! Not been so foolsih with my love life, never would have dated Andrew, but alas worked on my relationship with the person i love the most.
49. FOX gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted?: I would go around writing on people windows, singing in the car, perhaps going froom door to door promoting free mice sales.
Would you rather....
50. Would you rather find the cure for cancer or the cure for aids?: cancer.
51. Would you rather have the power to fly, or the power to teleport?:fly
52. Would you rather have the power to see the future, or the power to record your dreams?: See the future, dreams are nothing but Illusions of what we want to see.
53. Would you rather be really skinny, or really fat?: really skinny.
54. Would you rather be lost in a forest, or stuck in a box?: forest...i get claustrophobic.
55. Would you rather be in a drama movie, or a comedy?: Drama
56. Would you rather be in a hip hop video or a rock video?: rock
57. Would you rather have your birthday on Christmas Day, or on February 29th?: february 29th. lol.. My BF doesnt really have the optinion..
58. Would you rather live in the sewer, or in Afghanistan? hmm....sewer
59. Would you rather be in a mental institution or in a penitentiary?: The mental institution doesnt seem to be that bad, so I've heard!
60. Would you rather snow board or hang glide: Hang glide
61. Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate? pirate.
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read the following words?
62. Courage: the cowardly lion
63. Driver: seat
64. Yoga: power
65. Bakery: doanuts
66. Roach: clip
67. Mushroom:trip
68. Sprung: lol.... dick
69. Exotic: fruit
70. Pythagorean: math
71. What is your definition of love?: Love is Lust. It is something that haunts your mind, makes your heart beat a little faster, awakens your sex organs, and allows you to experiance the foundatoin of life. Love is what we as females, more so then men filter our lives around.. love is looking 50 years down the road and picturing him/her with wrinkles and still loving them more then you did when you were young.