so um wow

May 21, 2006 19:24

friday: nikki came over and we worked super hard on relay for life stuff. i did a broom dance to keep us awake, dont ask. ever. then we watched enough and didnt want to fall asleep til the end of it which wasnt til 1:30, knowing we would had to be at pier park by 8. lmao wow. we stole some strawberry candies from our own bags. yum

Saturday: went to relay. wow this is guna be long. me and nikki learned how to work everything (games and stuff) and we were FREEZING from the wind, buttttt then the wind stopped and the sun was bright and the water was gorgeous, so it was all good. we totally represented our team with the umbrella like no other. michelle and giac got there. we walked down to the water omg i cant even imagine going on our cruise. just a lake is amazing to us lmao. we took a lot of pics, so ima get some from michelle and nikki- maybe post them? we played scavenger hunt at 1 or something and yea we so wouldve won if ppl didnt cheat. oook on to QUASI-MODO. lmfao. thats our team name now. we made up a huddle dance thing and made a mosquito candle our center of ummm worship? haha giac tried blowing it out with his nostrils so then we all tried and then we all tried blowing from a distance. we never got it out ooo but giac decided to sing "wanted dead or alive" lmao to ppl walking by. i woulda been pretty scared. we made a body star in the middle of the grass by the water, at midnite, that was classy. haha. and giac tried to start a body wave. im not sure how to explain it. o and his runs and other stuff were sooooo funny woah. also cant explain that. o yea, i almost forgot the tanning goggles. ok so i no im missing a lot of stuff like getting picture buttons of the 4 of us, but i gotta get straight to the storm.....

Sunday: 1:30 in the morning it started raining and guess wat? our tent wasnt water proof. our stuff was drenched and so were we. so me and nikki go and sit by the fire for a while and all of a sudden this GINORMOUS wind comes and knocks over the screen house which my uncle was in and it flies over and hits the tent that michelle and giac were still sleeping in. they sed they got wet but didnt feel the screen house hit them. so we were freaking out, and everything that was under the screen house was getin drenched: money box, sweatshirts, food, prizes, etc. it was so bad we all had to go in giacs car. after making sure we all had our purses, my uncle sed we should just go to his house for the rest of the nite (it was liek 2:40 am at the time) and come back in the morning. sooo we did. ive never been so cold/wet ever. we went back in the morning, at breakfast, cleaned up, and it was over =(. but wow wen i thought bout it it was a lot of fun. soo THANKS GUYS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR HELPING! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE IT! we did some last quasi-modo huddles and that was it.
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