May 12, 2005 15:58
You were the honest friend
I was the great pretender
I hid my feelings till the end
Now I wanna say what it means to me
How I could never be the same without you
There are 24 days left of school.
I am constantly reminded
of how much i will miss you all
When ever someone says a funny joke-
or makes me laugh (over nothing at all)
I realize-
Next year...whats gonna happen?
No one there knows me like you all do.
No one there knows that i dont like when my food touches on my plate
No one there knows that sometimes if i am having a bad day-
I crave hugs from my friends.
No one knows that i like when my locker is super messy
and no one knows how that i like it when it rains.
How will i trust these strangers
with my secrets?
How will i ever form relationships with these people?
Does it seem wierd that i feel like i have the bestt friends?
Everysingle one of you- every single one
has helped me in some way-even if you didnt know it.
You all are the most amazing people i have ever met.
I think you have raised the bar in friendship to a new level.
All of you have made me who i am today.
And i dont want to leave you.
I love you all very much.
Dont count on this being that last entry about my departure to Prout...there will be more...
I must say i am sooo excited...
and really sad...
And i know i am still going to be in the same town
and all of you say
We will still hang out
and we will still talk...
But if i dont see you outside of school now
will i see you outside of school