I'm Here! Dragon Con!

Aug 31, 2007 00:03

I'm here, in Atlanta, I made it, through 8-9 hours on a train, then another 2 or so on a bus, another train, another bus, and *finally* to the motel!  I somehow missed the time zone change, from central to eastern, so even though it's 1:00 am to me it's midnight, and I'm so excited I don't know *how* in the hell I can sleep!!!

I am so totally ready to have fun, got off the phone with girlpire a little while ago, we're meeting up tomorrow, and she seems great, I'm sooo glad I decided to come.  (She's the reason I got the courage to come, I so owe her *bigtime*)  I can't wait to see James tomorrow, and Juliet (Dru) and the concert Sat nite!!!!   *And * I've gotten into Stargate Atlantis, and Jason Momoa (Ronon) is going to be here too *drools*, and I am just thrilled and nervous and excited to death.  Even though my car decided to *break down* yesterday in a Wal-Mart parking lot, I am not worried a bit (K, maybe a bit..)  but my most excellent and great and awesome mom is taking care of all of it for me, so that I can come here and party.  How much does my mom rock?  Answer:  Totally!

So, if anyone else is coming, or is here, drop me a line, comment, whatever, and we'll meet up!  Us slasher girls gotta stick together!

Happy, happy, happy.  I am happy.  :D 
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