My weird life, and birthday wishes

Jul 09, 2007 01:03

I'm so all over the place right now.  I had a lovely weekend, but came to work tonight and bam - the girl working the shift before me was robbed!  She is all right, thank god, just a sprained shoulder and probably a lot freaked the hell out, but ok.  It seems that whenever something good happens the bad just comes right in behind it, no afterglow for me.  I'm so MAD!!! that this happened to her. But you know what, just F*ck it, I'm gonna squee over what I wanted to tonite, and not think about it right now.  Will whine later.

First of all, my lovely, dear, kick-ass friends decided I had been MIA long enough, so my BF called my mom and asked if she would babysit for me (she just happened to be off Fri nite, and didn't have to work til Sat nite)  and orchestrated my kidnapping for Friday evening!  Went to a friends house, sat around and played cards, listened to tunes, laughed about 50 million times, and had my favorite drink of choice hand delivered to me all night long by my other BF.  (Kinda funny, my BF is a 22 yr old girl who just happens to be pregnant right now, and my other BF is her dad, who is 40ish and the biggest slut of my county-and yours-, but me and him just get along so great! my so-weird life!)  I had a blast, its been months since I did this, just relaxed with no kids, no worries beyond what card to play and if my glass was full.  Went to another friends house later and stood (read=stole each other's chair when someone had to take a piss :) around outside next to a fire, just chilling and talking, had the obligatory redneck things like women flashing (I only did it *once*, another girl just pulled her shirt off and sat around in her bra ;)  puking, (poor guy), and stuff getting broken (one glass, and a dented hood, courtesy of a beer-bottle-being-chunked gone bad) , and the almost fist-fight that usually happens when you gather more than 2 redneck country boys in one place with alcohol and ex girlfriends.  So, just a normal, lovely night with my friends! ~BG~

I've gotten everything ready to go for Dragon*con, just have to buy my train ticket, I decided to ride it instead of driving, much much cheaper.  I was looking at some videos of JM singing, and he's sounding (and looking) pretty good.  My daughter is going to Texas to stay a week with her BF, who moved there almost 2 yrs ago.  They had been friends since pre-school, and I love her like she's my own, talk to her every week or so, and I wish I could go, but with D*C, I just don't want to burden my mom with so much babysitting (although she wouldn't mind a bit, it's just me), don't have the money really, and (lord help me for saying it) I really won't mind the mini-vacation from the 15 yr old daughter.  We get along pretty good, but sometimes I just need a break from the 'Mom's coming at me from two different directions, you know?

But enough rl stuff, 
altyronsmakerhas made McShep icons here, and she made the one on this post for me, I wanted something with the guys and trees, she so rocks, doing that for me!  I usually end my fb with 'thanks for the lovely words'  and she put 'lovely' on the icon, and 'trees' and I just want to squish her to pieces for it!

And it just happens to be 
thismaz's birthday today, which she shares with my brother who is turning 18 today.  So, many, many happy wishes to her on her day, and I hope she has pretty Spander pictures dancing in her head all day long!   Leave her some love and good thoughts!

Happy late birthday to
denied_heaven, she was seeing JM in concert on her birthday, which was quite a damn good birthday, if I do say so for her!  I am writing her a little Angel/Lindsey story that I hope to have finished by this weekend, I was throwing plot bunnies at her before she left for the concert and one took over my brain, so I decided to write it for her :)  Silly bunnies!

Ok, that's enough rambling from me, I'm gonna watch some SGA, second season and try to relax and just breathe. (And watch the windows, cause, kinda freaked a little, along with the mad.)
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