Life is still crazy

Jun 09, 2007 22:57

God, I really didn't realize it had been so long since I actually wrote in my own journal.  But life is still jerking me around something hard, so... (and stupid lj has ate about half the comments I tried to post the past two weeks)

My granny is a little better, or I'm a little more together, either way it's not as hard.  Maybe it is a bit of a blessing in disguise that she forgets things, at least she has some moments of peace.  But this past week, my goodness, I swear if I ever get a break from insanity I won't know how to act.  Had an ok weekend, then went to work Sun night to find out my co-workers son was killed in an accident at work.  He was her oldest son, 36, and she is just torn apart.  I really feel for her.  Then on Wed, I had been asleep for about 3 hrs when my mom came in my room and said something to the effect of 'Wake up, Josh (my brother) has ran off the road and we have to go there.'  I haven't been sleeping well for awhile now, and when someone comes in and says something like that in *that* tone of voice you catapult from deep sleep to wide awake in about 2 seconds.  So the first thing out of my mouth was 'Is he ok?' followed closely by 'Was he in my car?' (He drives either mine or my mom's car.)  He was fine, and mom's car was fine, thank god.  The next morning on the way home from work a squirrel ran in front of my car, and I stomped the brakes a little too hard, which busted my brake line.  I made it home (knowing any chance of sleep was shot for the day) then had to have it towed to the shop.  At 4:00 that evening we were on the way to get it, when the shop called back and said while they were fixing the line another one had blew. So, no car for me.  I did get it back on Friday, but I ask you how much can one person take?  I've run the gauntlet from big to small disasters all week long!   All month long!  When will it get better?

On the writing front, things have been just as up and down.  I've got the first part all figured out, have decided most major plot points, but now I'm having trouble deciding which way to go in part two.  It's up in the air whether someone opens a door and finds someone in bed with someone, or if that doesn't happen yet and instead two lovers start rebuilding their lives together after a separation.  I'm tearing my hair out trying to decide.  It all fits in with what's going to happen, but has an impact on when stuff happens, and either way will work, I 'll just have to decide if person 2 would have slept with person 1 now (because of person 3's issues with person 1, and person walking in on them's issues with person 1 and 3) or if it will fit better later on in the storyline.  And damn it, I'm ready for my boys to be back together, instead of having them suffer any longer.  Ahhhh!  I think I'll think about it tomorrow, brain getting too twisted tonight.

Somehow I've had time to rewatch season 5 of Buffy, with minimal fast forwarding.  I'm changing canon in my story on a very few points and I wanted to be sure  hadn't forgot something (which I had) and to refresh my mind about Spike's speech patterns.  I know that he's going to sound like an American speaking in English slang, but I'm trying to make him sound right.  Season 5 always fascinates me, especially when I watch Spike and Xander's interaction.  I know that by the last 3 episodes everyone was in a 'them against the world' mentality, but it always seems to me that we missed some significant moments between them.  The scene where Xan lights Spike's cigarette, I mean they are totally giving each other looks, and it's obvious they've bonded and ... well, I'm gonna fill it in, what *I* think we missed.  And I had totally forgotten how sweet the moment was when Willow goes to Tara after she becomes sane.  "I was so lost"  I love those two, and I totally teared up.  I miss my show so hard, has it really been 10 yrs?

I've also caught up on some reading, esp some really good S/X ones.  Finally got to thismaz's Blood on a Sundial series and it rocks!  A great start, and the last few chapters have gotten really plotty, which I totally adore.  orchidluv's Nothing the Same is another plotty one, although the boys have come together in it (yah!).  I love that I've found such great ones lately that are telling a story, not just slapping the boys together with a tube of lube and a prayer.  (Although those are good, too :)   But I really need the 'Calgon, take me far, far away' right now, and I'm getting some really good doses of it.  Leaves of Memory by quinntzadok, is another great S/X pre-chip story.  (hmm, everyone's writing pre-chip and I'm writing chipped, go figure!  I'm always the oddball.)   She's writing the next parts right now and I can't wait to read them.  sparrow2000is continuing her Memento Mori story, some very, very good stuff, and she's started the road trip sequel to her Perceptions series, called Diversions.  Squeeee!
mithril_56 is a newbie to LJ, but I found her story Most Favored at the Crypt months ago and loved it, it goes into the vampire lore, which is a favorite thing for me.   83 chapters up, and she's going to re-post them on her LJ. It's Spike and Angel, with Illyria, Wes and Gunn post-NFA, and it is awesome, really goes into Spike and Angel's issues and what shaped their relationship.  girlpire has posted the first 2 out of 4 or 5 of a Spike/Angel story called Friday that is some of the best S/A I've seen lately, set season 5 of Angel.
And mwrgana did a manip of Spike in faded (almost white) blue jeans that I just died for.  Hit one of my major kinks with that pic, it's Mr. June on her calendar manips.

Sleepy now, time to pass out for a few hours.  (and it's 1:00 am and my son just came in here to get me to go to the potty with him.  He's going number 2 at this hour?  He's *never* done this before.  Maybe I've been just a little *too* excited and happy that he's finally almost potty-trained!?)

Squishes to all, and to all a good nite!
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