Kung sinong makarelate dito, plus ten sa recitation

Jul 24, 2008 17:27

If you are a woman, a city dweller, and a regular commuter, then most likely you've been the subject of overly zealous catcalls, wolf whistles, and hoots from the Kuyas and the Manongs of Metro Manila's streets.  Ever since I was old enough to ride jeeps, taxis, trains, and tricycles on my own, I'd been on the receiving end of the hirit bombs generated by the Pinoy ingenues that litter our charmingly ghetto sidewalks. The quality of the lines and their subtexts vary, for we all know how diverse the creative mind can get, even amidst the hustle bustle of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The more conventional "Hi, ganda," or "I love you miss!" are staples you easily get used to, while the "May boyfriend ka na?" or "Sa'n ka ba pupunta miss? Hatid na kita!" type quips are more direct and sleazy, but all in all, however degrading it can get, you learn to let the stuff go. There are worse things, like war, discrimination, violence, hunger, depression, etc., and annoying blue collar banter does not hold a candle to society's more pressing issues.

Yesterday, though, the "banat ng proletariat" got graphic. As I was walking toward the jeepneys headed for Quezon City Hall, a gritty "K*ntutan tayo!" was thrown my way. Yiii. I cut into the a line and practically leapt into a moving City Hall jeep. I mean, I know that I'm supposed to have gotten used to all this unsolicited trash by now, but that was just vile. I mean, damn.  How the hell does someone live with this kind of shit? I got down at the stop and started walking down Kalayaan Avenue, regretting that I didn't give that old fucker a black eye while I still could have. A few seconds later, however, I got the most amusing seal of approval from a random loafer I passed on the road: "'Te... Magsaing ka naaaaaaaa!"

Shit, man. Bumenta.

banat ng proletariat

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