What. The. F.

Mar 07, 2008 02:58

So it's three in the morning, Friday, and I'm tooling around on the net. I see a freshly posted interview with Tina Fey on Oh No They Didn't, and I am phantasmagorically struck by what I read:

RD: What pleases you more, applause or laughter?
Fey: Laughter. You can prompt applause with a sign. My friend, SNL writer Seth Meyers, coined the term clapter, which is when you do a political joke and people go, "Woo-hoo." It means they sort of approve but didn't really like it that much. You hear a lot of that on [whispers] The Daily Show.

Dude, I effing invented that term way back in '05! 'Clapter' is an entirely Pinoy reflex in reaction to comedy or to just really delightfully funny stuff. It's a totally different thing from that crap Seth Meyers or Tina Fey are talking about. I mean, come on, surely we're all familiar with this kind of thing.

Scenario: you're watching someone really going for it - hamming it up live onstage, be it a stand up comedy act, a play, or just a spiel to introduce a performance.
1) The performer/comic/actor says something so astoundingly funny that makes you genuinely laugh.
2) While laughing, you reassess the joke, letting it float around in your head.
3) Said unbelievably witty joke takes on a thousand other dimensions and planes of meaning. Defying all laws of motion or gravity, it gets even funnier by the second.
4) Suddenly, you realize "This shit is really funny! Alas, laughing may not be enough to express my glee..."
5) You think hard: "What can I possibly do to amplify this inadequate laughter and turn it into something deliciously grandiose?" (That's your cue, McGuyver!)
6) You come to your senses, so while laughing at said amazingly funny joke, you clap.

Dude, that is clapter.

Okay friends of mine please tell me that didn't at all make me sound retarded. Much love!

clapter is a word

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