Apr 06, 2005 15:00
*Sigh* Today sucked. My effing term paper is being mean to me. I stayed up forever finishing it and then I saved it on a disk, and it went all spazmodic on me and when I opened it at school to print it, all this computer jibberish-crap came up and my term paper wasn't there in ENGLISH. So I'm afraid Mrs. Glasscock doesn't believe me that I DO actually have a term paper on there. She said she did, but I'm not sure...I got here early to print it out, and then that happened. I just cried. LoL I worked SO hard on it and to get it on time and it'll be late anyway. *Sigh* And Moody is makin me REALLY mad! Grr! He won't leave me alone. :( But at least it's raining outside. Not exactly hard, but at least it's not just drizzling. Hee. I like that word. *Thunder!* WoOt!
"Dive head first into the bush!"
"What bush?"
*Me, Scott, Jason, & Alice*
"Stick it in there."
"Shoot 'em long and hard, Scott."
*Me, Scott, and Alice*