The truth (Da Vinci)

Nov 21, 2007 22:26

The controversial theory of the best seller the Da Vinci code has taken my current interest and I'd like to discuss this today, now before I go on- This is a segment taken from "The Da vinci Code's Errors" by Robert H. Knight which became popular with arguments of what historically is or isn't correct.

Conceptional the information presented can very well persuade you to think it is accurate. After all Christianity is a controversial topic and is easily argued. Of course, what captured my attention was how the author refers to Disney as "The modern day Da Vinci".

This is an argument to claim it is not essentially true, read it carefully. (Consume the amount of relevance it has to Disney.

[quote]10) CLAIM: Even Walt Disney was a devotee of the Mary Magdalene cult.

ANSWER: “‘Once you open your eyes to [Mary Magdalene as] the Holy Grail,’ [fictional character Robert] Langdon said, ‘you see her everywhere.’

“Langdon held up his Mickey Mouse watch and told her that Walt Disney had made it his quiet life’s work to pass on the Grail story to future generations” (261).

Mark Pinsky, author of The Gospel According to Disney, told the Culture & Family Institute: “I’d give it no credence whatever.” The mention of Disney as a devotee of the Grail in The Da Vinci Code “is the first that I’d read about it.”[6]


The Da Vinci Code is a clever and dangerous book suffused with lies, distortions, Satanic imagery and historical inaccuracies, all designed to cast doubt in readers’ minds about the deity of Jesus Christ. Brown is trying to resurrect the old sex-based pagan fertility cults that Judaism and Christianity replaced while advancing civilization.

By claiming that man, not God, inspired the Bible, Brown is appealing to the same pride that Satan did when he promised Eve in the Book of Genesis that “ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”

The good news is that the truth will overcome lies.

Jesus promised: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32 NKJV).[/quote]

Now, look at the 1st sentence of the conclusion again. Not only is it desperately attempting to angrily suggest the book is a complete lie, but that it us a "Satanic" cult almost, full of historical "INACCURACIES".

Fair enough, but he presented his point of view. But where is his evidence? Where is his argument? He is telling us what to believe without background understanding, trying to convert us to Christianity again. Hiding behind the bible.

Does saying "humans" (as they do) wrote the bible (and not God) make Dan Brown a Satan? This "truth" you speak of, where is it? Photographic proof, evidence, historical background, Dan Brown presence us with this.

This is a caption from the Disney film, The Little Mermaid. I'd like to use this example (although there are many others such as Snow white biting into the Apple, threatened to be killed so she hides herself in the woods. Not only that but she is asleep, like Mary is (Holy Grail) and not only that but redirection of Jesus, her being awoken by a kiss, it is also represented in Sleeping beauty and other Disney films. Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) meaning Rose,
Locked up, deep hidden in the forest. Beauty and the Beast, The beast is lonely, filled with insanity yet, his entire life is dependent on a Rose. If you look closely at the architecture in the movie, church windows from the beast's castle have religious symbols and roses, and a garden of roses, that lure Bell to him. To his insanity.

Anyways, we all know the story, but what The Little Mermaid presents us with is an astonishing picture of Mary (I have noticed this many years ago myself, many items Ariel collected have a hidden meaning, in fact a lot of the movie is superbly done with hidden mysterious facts involving past, present, political and justified events that occurred have been involved in this and many other Disney films. I've noticed specifically the cultural ones). Mary is POSSIBLY a representation of Ariel wanting to be her. (Because she is a replicate of Mary in the magical world of Disney) It fits perfectly, pieces, a fish. Half human half fish (not to mention red long hair). Remind you of someone? Mary.

Now, think back to The Little Mermaid 2 if you've seen it. If not, well you'll understand if you read anyway. Ariel has a daughter (as Dan Brown suggests Jesus and Mary had a daughter) They go to great lengths to hide and protect the child. She is not allowed out of the castle. Although the story of the 2nd movie is a bit strange and unbelievably loose, I can assure you, that is because it was filmed here in Sydney Australia.

Disney often has hidden messages in films, every movie, every single movie Disney has done (excluding in-corporation with Pixar animations and is produced by the Hollywood official company in the US) its actually what captures out imagination the most, what makes it so incredibly successful. What we don't often realize, is that not only is Disney incredibly accurate with its presented information and the balance of its drawings and culture etc. It is also passing messages we don't even realize we are receiving. Every detail has so much information behind it, it will shock the nation.

I already knew Disney organization didn't hire just any ordinary employers. They weren't just incredibly talented, they had to go through special examinations and be specifically experienced in areas normal people weren't. Much like how people recruit the CIA or other official services. Secret society? Highly doubtful. forming a group of highly invested data being carried out for specific purposes? More then just likely. Disney froze himself for a reason, entrusting his company to a none-sufficient leader, his son. Who is a slow learner I might add, but he's getting the grip on the corporation. His father was a wise man. A wise man who planned something, carrying secrets much like The Da Vinci. Secrets he presents through art. Through entertainment, the most culturally popular type of art, television.

Leaving this topic, I'd like to talk about the strike today. Teachers requesting more salary. If they are lucky teachers get approximately sixty-five-thousand dollars a year. I agree it is an insufficient amount. HOWEVER. How much does police earn? forty to forty-five thousand a year! The law, the justice, people who protect us are getting less paid then the teachers who are complaining. Who protects our country? The army! How much do they get? Even less. What would happen, if police, the law and the army went on strike? What would happen to our country??

I rest my case ^^


religion, australia, insanity, da vinci, culture, evidence, disney, america, mary magdalene, conspiracy, us, law, cintroversy, walt disney, politics, truth, accuracy, police, teachers, strike, christianity, vatican, army, the da vinci code, jesus, bible

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