Things get way to complicated for me...

Apr 18, 2005 22:06

Today was such a bad boring day that needs to go away and never be reminded of..

Not that ne thing bad happened its just nothing good did so it was just dragging on all day and i wanted it to end so i could go home and not have to see you. Its hard to see you walk past me and feel like you don't even acknowledge im there.

I got home from school, layed out a little bit, it seems to relax me and take my mind off everything thats going on. Then i decided to do some homework. Then i got ready and went to drivers ed, today was boring but at the same time it was so funny b/c our class is seriously dumb and i don't htink not one of us is going to pass. But tahts okay. Then i came home and ate ice cream, it seems to fix everything. Took a shower and now im here.

I miss you more than i ever thought i would
Its hard watching you ever day and not talking to you
I just want things to go back to normal-
or wat i thought was normal for more than half the year

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