Jan 16, 2008 20:55
its sweet when your own friends make you feel completely stupidddd.
i give up on school.
i guess my parents will deal with C's and B's from me.
and since everyone is doing a countdown to fun shit i wanna do one too (again, i think)
Spring break whenever= NYC???
April 10th -15th =TEXA$$
May 23rd= Last day EVER of highschool
June 1st= give me my damn diploma
Graduation party soemtime before July 10th
July 10th - 21st = ENGLAND, FRANCE, MONOCCO (i think i spelled it wrong)
fuck yeahhhh.
2 weeks in a foreign country over my birthday.
July 15th- 18 years old biatch.
Gym, Swim and Health starts next semester
if i don't pass (which i will) i don't get to graduate.
screwwww procrastination.
i gotta order a bathing suit for this shit.