Happy Birthday, me. Happy Birthday, Aaron.
We're not kids anymore, by legal standards, but we'll always be kids at heart. I'm so glad you have a good birthday. I kinda wish we could have done something. Maybe next week, eh????? :)
My birthday was pretty much ok. All day, I stayed home, watching TV. I drove to my dad's shop and hung out with him for a while. I drove Justin's POS, not mine. GRRRRRRRRRR...I WANT MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, my dad fed me his enchilladas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY.
Justin took me out to T.G.I.Fridays. Their fajita were pretty good, rice was good, beans were ehh... At least I didn't get one of those embarassing birthday thingies. I would have been PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA...
Then we went to World Market and roamed around. They have such pretty stuff.
OK, then we went to Cold Stone where I am now addicted to their banana ice cream and I mixed penut butter and chocolate chips in it this time. *Drools* I got a butt-load of the ice creams this time too. :D
Then we went home. I don't normally talk about this but I wanted Justin to have sex with me. He didn't want to, on the account that he was tired and blah blah blah. Yeah, I understand, but I wanted some booty for my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA...sorry for that scary image, kids...
Anyway, I woke up this morning around 4. I went to the bathroom. Seems gross, but I got my period. It hurts like hell this time. It hurts so bad that I wasn't able to go back to sleep until an hour before I had to get up to get ready for school. So I was up from basically 4am until 8am. I laid their the first hour because Justin was still sleeping and I play Kingdom Heart for the other three until I started to zone out. I woke up at 9:15 to get ready and I took my exam this morning. It seemed easy, but I don't test well. Oh well...
Anyway, here is a quiz thingy I stole from Stephen, my friend from Cali. :)
10 things I bet you didn't know about me
1. I hate dogs.
2. I hate stupid people.
3. Sometimes, I like to watch chick movies.
4. I don't really want kids, but I know I will have them someday...
5. Aaron and I are twins, even though most people already know that, some don't.
6. I hate my job, but hey, who doesn't?????
7. I like it when my friends seek me for advice.
8. I get hurt too much, like little cuts, scrapes, and bruises.
9. I love to polish silver.
10. I miss living at home, but not all the time.
9 things about my friends
1. Justin is my love, even though we fight, I know that we love each other more than we could ever let each other know.
2. John is one of the few friends that I have kept from High School. He is one of my favorite people.
3. Marion is my boy. I'm so glad we have so much in common and that we can chill and just joke about anything.
4. George is also one of my favorite people. I just love you for you. I'm so glad we've had a kick ass friend ship.
5. Ashley M. has been there for me and has always kept me smiling. Thanks for the support.
6. I love my Loch Ness kids (you know who you are). They were the fucking coolest bunch in 2004.
7. Aaron my brother. He is the fucking shit. And the best fucking drummer, guitarist, bassist, keyboard player I know. :)
8. Travis, my friend from school. I'm so glad that he and I have a common love of music and well, Happy Noodle Boy.
9. Shannon and Meggies. Yeah, you guys are awesome. I miss you two soooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8 places you wish you were
1. At home asleep
2. At home asleep
3. At home asleep
4. At home asleep
5. At home asleep
6. At home asleep
7. At home asleep
8. With Justin...At home asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 regrets you might have
Can't really answer this section because, I don't have that many regrets.
6 songs that make you sad
1. "Morning Calls"-Dashboard
2. "Silver and Cold"-AFI
3. "This Time Imperfect"-AFI
4. "Timelessness"- Fear Factory (It really does bring a tear to my eye.)
5. "The Saddest Song"- The Atatris
6. "The Hero Dies In This One"- The Ataris
5 songs that make you happy
1. "Shock"-Fear Factory
2. "You Need A Hug"-The Ataris
3. "Boombox Generation"-Motion City Soundtrack
4. "Violence"-Blink 182
5. "Body Hammer"-Fear Factory
4 things that you want
1. SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. To have my car running
3. Black Converse
4. Uhh...money?????
3 lies you've heard
2 things you want to do soon.
2. Pee and eat...well, that's four things, but I want to do these things soon.
1 reason for breathing
1. Justin, Friends, Family, and of course, myself.
Wee...I'm going home. Bye, kids.