Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.

Feb 25, 2011 16:35

Seriously though, I love it. It's kicking my butt like NOBODY's business, but I love it. I started Monday (2/21), skipped Tuesday, but worked out Wednesday, Thursday, and am about to work out again today. That puts me at Day 4. I'm determined to do this every day, and the only reason I gave myself Tuesday off was because I was experiencing period cramps of DEATH. I'm not sure how much weight I'll lose because building muscle doesn't really allow for that, but I mostly just want to feel better about myself. I've got a darn gut to get rid of, and I want it gone! I think this will help. I started at 132lb (or so says my bathroom scale!), so we'll see how things go from here.

I forgot to take a picture of myself the first day, but I guess taking one once I'm only four workouts in still counts as "the beginning," right? I'll post one in a bit.

ALSO, I'm sorry I've been such a sucky LJ friend, you guys. I've been sucked into the world of Tumblr. But I miss you all. ):

30 day shred, jillian michaels, workout

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