Rude People

Apr 01, 2010 09:53

I know I hardly post, but this is a story I feel is worth sharing. So when we were in AZ our kitchen sink backed up, and when our sink backs up, it's a big deal cuz the clean out is in our kitchen for the apartment next door to ours and the 4 above. So when the sink backs up it's 6 apartments worth of backup. Anyway, I had the pleasure of spending the day yesterday cleaning up the greasy, yucky, mildewy film that coated the floor and the counters and anything that was on the counters. The water also had flooded into most of the cupboards below the sink too, so I had to clean out those and wash everything that was in them. So then I have a ton of dirty towels, some from the cupboard that got flooded, most that I made dirty from cleaning up all of the mess, and I wanted to wash these right away before they mildewed further.

I get to the laundry room and start one load of towels, when I came back to put them in the dryer, the dryers were all taken except that one person was taking their load out of one right then. So as I was waiting for the person to get all of their clothes out I got my load out and set it on top of the washer, and when the person was done I walked over to the dryer and grabbed the lint trap and was cleaning it off. As I'm doing this another lady, between 30-40 years old, walks in, sees that I'm about to take the last dryer, runs and grabs her load out of a washer (which was a tiny load I might add. Only like 5 things) runs and sticks it in the dryer and starts it. So I'm standing there, shocked at what just happened, looking disgusting and exhausted from cleaning all day, not to mention the fact that I'm 8 months pregnant, and holding the lint trap in my hand and I say, "Um, I was getting ready to use that." And her response was, "Well, you snooze you lose!" I wanted to say, "How old are you? Five??" But instead I stupidly just said, "Um... Okay..." and handed her the lint thing.

So yeah, she was probably the rudest person I have ever met, and I've been laughing about the ridiculousness of the situation ever since.
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