(no subject)

Jan 10, 2005 21:30

Full Name: Kristy Samantha H****
Birth date: June 26, 1991
Birthplace: Buffalo, New York
Current Location: Buffalo, New York
School: Sweet Home Middle
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'2½
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: cancer

Your heritage: german irish french and other stuff :D
The shoes you wore today: old adidas stuff
Your weakness: umm not sure
Your fears: spiders, burgelers, noises at night, and people who drive down the street really slowwwww
Your perfect pizza: extra cheese and pepperoni!
Goal you'd like to achieve: become a stripper :D

Your most overused phrase on AIM: lol
Your thoughts first waking up: i look dead
Your best physical feature: umm...eyes
Your bedtime: whenever im tired and feel like it
Your most missed memory: umm las vegas :'(

Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: burger kind
Single or group dates: group
Adidas or Nike: nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

smoke: no
Cuss: yes
Sing: all the fricken time
Take a shower everyday: yess
Have a crush(es): indeed <3
Do you think you've been in love: i know i have been
Want to go to college: yes
Like(d) high school: not in high school yet

Want to get married: ya
Believe in yourself: pshh no
Get motion sickness: wtf is that?
Think you're attractive: sometimes but no
Think you're a health freak: naw
Talking with your parents: sure..this ? makes no sence
Like thunderstorms: yess except when im trying to sleep
Play an instrument: defenatly not

In the past month have you...

Drank alcohol: no
Done a drug: nope
Had Sex: no
Made Out: nope
Gone on a date: nope
Gone to the mall: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: ..no
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: umm noope
Been dumped: naw
Gone skating: no
Made homemade cookies: YES
Gone skinny dipping: naw wish i did
Dyed your hair: yes


Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
If so, was it mixed company: yes
Been caught "doing something": sure
Been called a tease: not that i know of
Gotten beaten up: naw

Changed who you were to fit in: yes
Been on a plane: yahhh
Swam in the ocean: yes
Swam in a lake: nonono
Gone skinny dipping: yes
Cheated on a test: yes but tjat was a long time ago
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: umm not sure
Fallen asleep in the shower: taking a bath but not a shower
Gone to church: yes
Read the Bible: yes
Climbed a tree: yes
Watched Dawson's Creek: um sorry but no
gone water skiing: no
Gone snowboarding: no
Gone skateboarding: no
Gone crowdsurfing: no
Fell asleep during a scary movie: yah
Gone all night without sleep: yes
Been to camp: yes eww hated it
Had a camp: in my backyard
Played soccer: yes
Talked to yourself: umm yess
Started a fire: yes..oopsies
Been to a major league baseball game: yes
Seen a pro basketball game: no
Been to a NFL game: no
Been to a NHL game: yes
Watched Dirty Dancing: yup
Danced along: OH YEAHHH
Wanted to die: yes
Met a celebrity: naw
Driven a car: in my dreams i have..
Not washed your hair for a week: eww no
Gotten stiches: nope
Broken something: my heart
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